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This site is very easy.
A good place to start your climb on the WeChall ranking!
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Yes it is quite easy although I thought SQL2 was a good challenge.
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Quite easy but that's what i like.
The admin should fix those 248 HTML errors.

EDIT: I often get errors while they shouldn't be visible.
F.e. on the left menu it says "logged in" but i can't view challenges or the other way around.
Last edited by BjornR1989 - Feb 11, 2009 - 02:20:45
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Oh no! They got caught!
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This site is easy.Tooked me 3 days to finish it.I had problems with SQL2,Cracking4 and a Realistic one,the rest was piece of cake.
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Is update score for this site working for anyone? I got error saying 'Site seems down' but site is still accessible. Maybe update scripts are missing?
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Yeah, seems like the update scripts are missing.
I emailed the admin, so it might get fixed soon.

thank you for notice. Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Is the site working for you guys? I'm not able to access it since yesterday.
I'm on a rock floating through space.
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Seems to work fine for me.
In case it helps: IP is
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Lol, I'm a member for about a week at thisislegal, and I can't access it anymore from my home. Weird! Everything works fine using a proxy or at work.
Someone had something similar?
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