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You can PM me your details. I will have a look.
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This site is offline!
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This site can't register new users, cause captcha error on register form:

Invalid validation code. Please retry (incorrect-captcha-sol)

Last registered user was on "Last Active @ 12:14 [27/10/16] GMT"

will they solve that issue?
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posted the issue on their forum, hopefully will get an answer soon
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thx b1nary
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Fixed register form but, email validation/activation link don't work when register,

It say:

this is your activation link to join our website. In order to confirm your membership please click on the following link:

but when clicked goes to:

Invalid data provided !

Proceed to the site
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t0mmy9 answered but, still doesn't work, same message:

Invalid data provided !

Proceed to the site
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Quote from tommy9
Please send me your activation link via the contact form. Accounts now set to auto activate and all recent accounts activated
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Thx, now works, all accounts activated. Before that issue, i sent messages via contact form and i think didn't work because no response until you (b1nary) post in shoutbox or forums site.

But now works fine

Thx b1nary
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I think Realistic Challenge 2 might be a bit broken, I can't get the first stage login to work! :/
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