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Is the level down ?  Go to the Training: Crypto - Substitution II challenge

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Is the level down ?
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I'm absolutely sure that I have found the right method to pass this level but it seems the website doesn't like the answer
Maybe you're going to say ;
Quote from Level
The ciphertext is in the language of this text, and uses correct punctuation and case-sensitivity.

I already know that, my answer follow all these rules.

It seems the problem is the level is giving the same password every time but want another one, I don't know why
I tried to clear cache / clear cookies / switch browsers ( Firefox / Chrome ) but same answer every time

But when I do it using a python script, I get a different answer and the level seems to generate good level's text here.
If you want more specific details about it, then just ask Smile

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RE: Is the level down ?
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The challenge is working just fine. You are probably including a little bit too much in the answer.

The reason the password is always the same is because it is linked to your account. You say you want a new one for some reason, but you didn't say that the solution actually got accepted with your script (I'm betting it didn't).
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RE: Is the level down ?
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Thanks for the answer!

The level wasn't down, just me being stupid Drool
If anyone think he has the good answer but can't pass the level, just don't include the last char Smile
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