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SuNiNaTaS have 15 games : Web(8), Cracking(4), Forensic(3)
Skill level is medium.
We are good hackers.
Sites origin country Korea, Republic Of
Language Korean
Category Tags Exploit, Cracking, Research
Site Admins suninatas, blackkey
Auto update no
Has OnSiteRank yes
WarBoxes 0
Score 16330
Base-Score 10000
Users 16226
Challs 32
Linked users 460
Average 48.79%
Difficulty 37.50%
Enjoyment 100.00%
Score history for site SuNiNaTaS
Number of Users on SuNiNaTaS
Number of Challenges on SuNiNaTaS

Comments on SuNiNaTaS

Global Rank: 8
Totalscore: 494125
Posts: 39
Thanks: 44
UpVotes: 30
Registered: 11y 247d

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RE: Comments on SuNiNaTaS
Google/translate4Thank You!3Good Post!1Bad Post! link
Hi, the site is offline since a month?
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