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Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge

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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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Hope you's enjoy these challenges !
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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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Nice, not hard, enjoyable challenges Smile Good site for beginners.
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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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First I want to say IRISSCON 2012 Lost Challenge is really enjoyable with some really interesting challenges.

Second. It's just me or only the progress in percent is computed correctly but the score is left to 0. I ask because I completed two challenges there. I completed "Binary blob" and "Security Challenge I". I'm curious if there is a problem with the score parser or it is just normal behaviour for IRISSCON score board on WeChall.

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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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It's not only you, but please look here:

We should have +40% for some points.
Last edited by PopcornSecurity - Jan 11, 2014 - 13:11:54
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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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Adjusted the Caesum constant for IRISSCON Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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is there anything wrong with the Security Challenge sites? why I can't open the sites
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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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It is hosted on a free web hosting. From time to time it goes offline. When I was solving IRISSCON it was down for a few days.

It's hosting problems. When I was solving the problems I followed the progress on this forum:

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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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The challenges on the free hosting seem to be back online (for now anyway!) so enjoy!
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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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It is not available anymore... I get a 404.
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RE: Comments on IRISSCON 2012 lost challenge
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Yes, this site is down and I've been told the web challenges are lost.
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