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Reverse engineering, cryptography, maths, steganography challenges. Home of the challengers handbook.
Sites origin country United Kingdom
Language English
Category Tags Crypto, Cracking, Math, Programming, Logic, Stegano, Storyline
Site Admins Caesum
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Score 19467
Base-Score 10000
Users 12486
Challs 44
Linked users 804
Average 24.62%
Difficulty 89.28%
Enjoyment 82.69%
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Comments on Electrica

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Global Rank: 5
Totalscore: 548791
Posts: 208
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UpVotes: 218
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Last Seen: 2d 18h
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RE: Comments on Electrica
Google/translate1Thank You!1Good Post!0Bad Post! link
Yeah, big thanks, Caesum! That should prove once and for all, that you aren't intimidated by dloser. ... or not?

Thank you fpombal. I will set the site from state dead to running again, the update should work then!
1 2
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