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Comments on Valhalla

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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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Hi!! Are you sure everything is ok with this site? i mean 1 points for every 10% (so about 10 points for reaching 100%)?
as i can see the base score is 0 is this intentional? just checking if this right or just a misconfiguration!! thanks!

take care
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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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Thanks for the report. Basescore was not set and is 10000 now, like for every site Smile

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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The login function seems to be broken !?
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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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Works fine. What is your username?
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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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Hmm...I do believe this site has gone missing...the links all go to the wrong page now..
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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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The site is down temporarily while I'm in the process of moving. It should be back up again in some days.
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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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Seems to be down currently, redirects through a bunch of crap sites to a gambling ad thing (thx MrL)
IRC server also no longer exists.
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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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The situation is still the same, as livinskull pointed out. I believe it should be removed from active sites list.
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RE: Comments on Valhalla
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That megahertz Sad
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