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A game I hope you and I will enjoy, a source of information which can become useful for reversers, and a way to meet new people and work with them. Because, of course, you can work with others to solve the riddles: the solutions will work for your different logins and give you all access to the next level. Also, I don't mind _how_ you solve the riddles: if you are able to find the password in any more creative way (stalking, searching, cracking, and so on) you're allowed to do it. Just two requests: first, don't damage the server where my pages are hosted; second, teach us the technique you have used or the tools you've created to find the password.
+Ma's Reversing
Sites origin country Italy
Language English
Category Tags Crypto, Stegano, Cracking, Programming, Storyline
Site Admins pyrocow
Auto update yes
Has OnSiteRank yes
WarBoxes 0
Score 19205
Base-Score 10000
Users 29683
Challs 28
Linked users 462
Average 20.52%
Difficulty 88.46%
Enjoyment 85.00%
IRC Contact irc:// #3564020356foo
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Comments on +Ma's Reversing

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RE: Comments on +Ma's Reversing
Google/translate2Thank You!0Good Post!0Bad Post! link
Probably best to try the forum on +Ma's.
Or try to ask on IRC #3564020356
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