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A french site which is not only focused on beginners. Challenge categories are cracking, crypto, hacking, Java/script, stegano, programming and math/logic. All challenges are accessible after registration and they vary in score according to their difficulty.
Sites origin country France
Language French
Category Tags Cracking, Crypto, Exploit, JavaScript, Logic, Programming, Stegano
Site Admins S0410N3, Th3_l5D, Stockage
Auto update yes
Has OnSiteRank yes
WarBoxes 0
Score 33185
Base-Score 10000
Users 54934
Challs 310
Linked users 943
Average 13.04%
Difficulty 75.00%
Enjoyment 80.88%
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Comments on Newbie Contest

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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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The fact that none of the guys there was able to answer your questions doesn't make it better, you still are guilty and should be sent on electric chair.
3. As sabre said, I've been there, done that so I think I'm in a suitable position to bitch bitch slap you when you do bad boy things.

why do not you edit this Sabretooth???? you see the person you defend? you see who begins
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