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Well, my first impression is: "This really is a challenge site for newbies" and i guess security isn't as important as f.e. on HTS.
RETR Fatal error: Class 'Database' not found in /var/www/newbiecontest/epreuves/index.php on line 56
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I can't agree with you.

This challenge is not easy and, for me, it's one of the best...
An error is so fast arrived... It is not as a XSS that one can find on the other challenges...

Finish the challenge, if you thinks that it is easy Drool
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Newbie Contest is not the best challenge, it's the best one by far.
Too bad it's in french though, most of you can't see how wonderful it is Smile.

And I've got to agree with mirmo: Finish the challenge if you think it's easy. I know its name is misleading, but don't forget: "L'habit ne fait pas le moine". ;)
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It's not fun to use Google translate all the time.
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Use a printed dictionary then? Or any other translation engine?

Besides, (I hope) nobody is forcing you to dig through a site you don't seem to like very much in the first place.
There's also a little thing called "learning effect", but that is of course highly subjective and might require a certain willingness to actually learn something.
Plus, if the census tells me correctly, French is spoken by about 40% of all Belgians, so there should be a good chance that you have had more exposure to that language already than many other people here.

And finally: What could possibly be unfunny about machine translations?

Last edited by TheHiveMind - Feb 20, 2009 - 08:28:02
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Oh no! It's down!
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Quote from Kender

Oh no! It's down!

Hum, that's unfortunately not an aprilfool... Sad
Last edited by awe - Apr 01, 2009 - 13:03:01
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Hacked by mirmo ?
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I suggest you check the url >.<
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Common mirmo, it's not funny!!!
Last edited by BAAL - Apr 01, 2009 - 15:22:52
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