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Your Answer is wrong...?  Go to the Training: Crypto - Transposition I challenge

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Your Answer is wrong...?
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Hi there,
I don't get it. I can read this sentence perfectly, but everytime I type/copy/paste/manipulate the password like the text/add :at the beginning/add . at the end/whatever my "solution" is wrong. I read before, that the password is bound on my session, so I tried it on different days / browser et cetera. But I still get the same text and the same error Sad

I have no Ideas left, so please give me an advice.

Edit: Solved it! Smile
Last edited by ESCx2 - Aug 27, 2014 - 09:59:07
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RE: Your Answer is wrong...?
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some hint , thanks
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RE: Your Answer is wrong...?
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Most wechall crypto challenges have a dynamic hash-like solution.
Make sure you are logged-in when you download a ciphertext for your account.

I guess a hint is not needed on this one.
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