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Java Blackbelt shuts down

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Java Blackbelt shuts down
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I found a sad newsletter from the javablackbelt in my inbox:

Definitive Shutdown
2013-01-19 11:49


Definitive shut down

Brussels, December 2012

Dear community members,

Last fall, was acquired by Skillsoft, a cloud-based learning provider. I regret to announce will be shut down on January 31 2013. As a thank you for 7 years of sharing and high quality content contributions, all courses and exams are complimentary with no limitations. Please take advantage of these educational resources until January 31.Sincerely,
John Rizzo

Imho it's a shame to take a site down that was hosting a lot of community material in favor of a commercial takeover.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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