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CSS issues

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CSS issues
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You encounter style issues ? please report them here.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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I have issues on the 'Account' pages. The general page tries to load under the right banner or on top of it (Viewing in: IE7, screen res: 1280x800). If you need more info or screenshots then let me know.
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Actually, another issue:

In Andersons Audit challenge the text is long and continues outside of the black border.

Ta, xmadx
Global Rank: 195
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CSS issues
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after some time I worked on wechall again.

Here are the major changes:

- Fixed the challenge(s) you mentioned, thanks xmadx ;)
- There are some more statistic counters now (thread/challenge/overall views)
- added new bb-encoding: [score]
- New links will notice you like new posts or pm's

Due addings in the user table you need to logut/login.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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