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Comments on SuNiNaTaS

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Comments on SuNiNaTaS
Google/translate1Thank You!0Good Post!1Bad Post! link
I've just noticed another site... But for me registering seems to be quite a challenge to say the least... Can anyone tell me how the input fields are labelled?
I tried the usual way with google translate, but this time it didn't work out well... Smile
The last one is obviously E-Mail...

Thx in advance!
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RE: Comments on SuNiNaTaS
Google/translate1Thank You!0Good Post!1Bad Post! link
Haha, I was talking to Gizmore because of that too .. it's also impossible for me -.-
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RE: Comments on SuNiNaTaS
Google/translate4Thank You!1Good Post!1Bad Post! link
Success on first try! Smile Google translate (Korean -> English) worked well enough for me:

Profile Input

* ID ※ ID prohibits the use of special characters! 12 characters or less

* Password ※ The use of special characters in passwords are prohibited! 12 characters or less

* Confirm password

* Verify your questions

* Boninhwakindap

* Nickname


* E-mail Address
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RE: Comments on SuNiNaTaS
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I encountered problems in firefox choosing the correct charset before translation Smile
Manually selecting the correct korean charset solved the problem.
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RE: Comments on SuNiNaTaS
Google/translate1Thank You!0Good Post!1Bad Post! link
I see, the page showed me cyrrilic characters and google translate tried to go for ukrainian... Now the registration page is in plain english, but thanks anyway...
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