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uhm...  Go to the Burning Fox challenge

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hi download zip and all got the solution but form not accept it Sad Sad Sad why not

edit nm got it \o/ lolol Happy Happy put in sol board Smile Drool
Last edited by FirefoxPortable - Feb 24, 2012 - 23:18:32
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RE: uhm...
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I am probably stuck at the same point. I got a working masterpassword and a common password. Both are not accepted as solutions. Neither did I find anything interesting within the bookmarks or history. Any hints on what to look next?

edit: D'uh... In the future I will pay more attention to roflstomp1337-h4x0r advises...
Last edited by HiPhiSch - Mar 01, 2012 - 13:41:16
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RE: uhm...
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What is the correct way to introduce the solution when you get all passwords from zip file? Solved Smile
Last edited by spnow - Aug 21, 2014 - 20:43:23
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Don´t ask me. I got hacked i guess ;)
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