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500 internal server error  Go to the Limited Access Too challenge

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500 internal server error
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I try to access the protected.php file but I keep getting directly error 500, internal server error... It should ask me for the password, but it doesn't...

Is there something wrong with the page from this challenge?

LATER EDIT: I tried it from work and it works now... Will try it when I get back home and see how it works. Anyone experienced the same problem?
Last edited by caveman - Aug 25, 2011 - 13:10:23
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RE: 500 internal server error
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I think the location of the .htpasswd file is wrong(missing), but it's solveable.
Clearing the browser cache might help.
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RE: 500 internal server error
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Damn, the same thing happens: Internal server error 500, The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
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RE: 500 internal server error
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Due to the server move and new GWF3 code, this challenge was broken.

Thanks to tehron, the challenge is now fixed and working again.

Thank you tehron!
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RE: 500 internal server error
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Can someone explain why TRACE method isn't allowed ?
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RE: 500 internal server error
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I think the TRACE method is disabled in apache by default, and there is no reason to activate it Smile
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