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I just noticed something odd about Gekko. I registered at Gekko and linked the site to WeChall but haven't solved anything there yet-- nothing at all. However, my activity history table reads:

Gekkó 9.52% March 18, 2011 - 04:16:51 Linked an account to Gekkó with 9.52% (0 points)

That 9.52% doesn't make any sense, in several different ways.
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The registration was the 1st level where you got the points from ;-)
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RE: Gekko Percentage
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Quote from Jinx
Mar 21, 2011 - 17:37:26

The registration was the 1st level where you got the points from ;-)

Registration counted as points? Really? I guess that explains it then.
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RE: Gekko Percentage
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Quote from shadum
Registration counted as points? Really? I guess that explains it then.

I think so, yes. I've just registered my nick some days ago and recieved 9,52% as well. I can't believe in something else.
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RE: Gekko Percentage
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You get 10 points at the beginning, because there is a -1 point punishment for wrong answers.
Wechall sees 0 tasks solved and 10 points for new users.
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RE: Gekko Percentage
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Does this mean that if a user gets answers wrong a lot but solves every challenge, they still cannot get max points for the site?

I really think I'll give this one a miss if that is the case.
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RE: Gekko Percentage
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Quote from sabretooth
Mar 21, 2011 - 23:14:43

Does this mean that if a user gets answers wrong a lot but solves every challenge, they still cannot get max points for the site?

I really think I'll give this one a miss if that is the case.

I was also wondering if that punishment applies to all challenges. I too rather dislike sites where you are punished for wrong answers. I'm not clever enough to get them all right the first time. Smile
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RE: Gekko Percentage
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Well. I wouldnt have thought that this is such a pain for you guys. Look
1) I have to prevent trial and error in the solution posting.
2) also a simple way to prevent actual brute force attacks.
3) helps ranking the perfect agents amongst the perfect agents
4) the solution checker accepts a wide range of solution formats (eg if you need to submit numbers, you are free to
select the separator).
5) it's hard to come up with a wrong answer if you understood the problem and think that you solved it.
6) if i want to introduce a system where you can buy hints, it's straightforward to pay in points for them.

That's my thinking about those points.
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RE: Gekko Percentage
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But my question is, if we 'pay points' for wrong answers or hints, and some other user does not pay points and we get to 100% and the other user gets to 100%, will they end up with a better advantage, and how will that affect wechall score?

Surely a user reaching 100% should end up with the same points as another user at 100% because although a user might have 'paid points' for hints or got an answer wrong, the other 'perfect' user might have asked for hints from other users without paying points or found the solution on a forum and end up with more points for doing less work.

The system just does not work.
Last edited by sabretooth - Mar 22, 2011 - 11:07:42
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RE: Gekko Percentage
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We should agree that a user without hints and wrong answers is a better player than an other one with wrong answers, even if they have solved the same problems. Right?

How would you differentiate between them?

Or you just say, that it's an ever going fight, because there will always be cheaters with e.g. duplicated accounts, so it's impossible to make any difference?

Be a little more constructive guys. Any ideas?
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