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Linking with no challs solved

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Linking with no challs solved
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I created a user account on Rankk, and then linked from here.

I got a green linking message, and red error message all at the same time. My account now seems to think it is linked to Rankk but doesnt access my userinfo from there (i have done a few of their challs now and still on 0.00%)

So basically there might be a problem when linking to a site where you have a useraccount but have completed no challs.

Could we possibly have a way of 're-linking' / 'de-linking' a site (or something similar) to get around the problem?
Last edited by xmadx - Mar 29, 2008 - 13:21:26
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Rankk does currently not auto-update your stats.

To update your progress on Rankk you have to go to your "account", then "update your stats".

There is a button to update and unlink your accounts for each site.

PS: Updated your stats and it seems to work.

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Linking with no challs solved
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Thanks, that makes more sense now.
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