I don't understand the Charset.
For example, I got this:
Charset: cwSOMlXTxChYQ8{VmvaN_g4itIUB@uP]6sr5W9Hb1pfkdLA#oD}KZyER0J7q3nj2FzG[e
Input Base: 65
Solution Base: 59
Timelimit: 3.1416 seconds
Equation: _5VJ * @_aj * YNnc * 45YD * l1g * PMb0 * x{8B * hDwp * {ucl * oPsZ * dfm3 * #WgE * 7x}3 * wUFL * ln5W * EgT{ * 9#YD * yAPu * YB0u * D3Z} * f1bN * Ad_J * sh]8
+ AuLX
The Charset has 69 characters. Why? I only need max(input_base, solution_base) = max(65,59) = 65 characters. Can I simply forget the last four characters?
If a normal charset would have been used, would c be 0? Or would e be 0?