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Bignumber library  Go to the Save the World challenge

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Bignumber library
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I think I identified the attack to solve this challenge and now I try to implement the needed functions to do so. For the big number calculations I'm using InfInt, so I'm restricted to integer values. Tests of my functions with small examples give the correct results. My calculated symetric key is wrong and with my previous calculated values the key has to be a floating point number.

My questions are, is the symetric key an integer or a floating point number?
Can this challege be solved without big floating point numbers, only using big integer?

Thanks and regards

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RE: Bignumber library
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This challenge uses only integers.
Hurry up, little time remains!!!
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RE: Bignumber library
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Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunatelley for now the Chinese have won.
While I have confidence in the Swedish and the Greek parts of my solution, I'm not sure about the English one and I'm pretty sure now, that the Chinese one is wrong.
They succeded in confusing me and I don't trust my implementations of the alogrithms anymore.

I will now focus on finding a library which is supporting the algorithms I think are need or maybe will check out Java.

The battle might be lost, but the not the war.
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RE: Bignumber library
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Rumors say the ancient teacher quangster once used a bouncy castle to craft emails.
It might be unrelated...
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RE: Bignumber library
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Thank you, I will have a look at quangs bouncy castle, because I'm sure it will help me out also on other topics.
I have now thrown away my Greek part of the solution and I know now, that my English part of the solution was correct.
For the Chinese part I found some good piece of code.
The challenge is solved! JAY!
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RE: Bignumber library
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It should also help with big numbers.

Congrats on solving this one. pretty tough!
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