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Ambiguous chall  Go to the 2021 Christmas Gifts challenge

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Ambiguous chall
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It seems to be that the solution verification is way too strict.
There are a lot of possible solutions for this.

- There are several ways to send a message
- Should it send to all channels on all connections or only on the current connection?
- Does it have to be an actual command? Or a standalone script for direct input
- There's (probably) several ways to loop
- You can name vars differently
- ...
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RE: Ambiguous chall
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Can you send the code via PM please?
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Ambiguous chall
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Gizmore is becoming more evil. First he wanted us to help him contribute to his open source framework and now this. Next time maybe he'll ask us to help him organize a CTF

(Maybe I'll join if it's actually a CTF Drool)
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RE: Ambiguous chall
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Crapchall was unsolvable for days.... try again
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Ambiguous chall
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Hi all. Prerequisites: are you already connected to a server and already joined "all" channels? Or does the script also need to autojoin them?
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RE: Ambiguous chall
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Yes, just a message to all currently connected servers/channels.

Take your time, christmas is only in about 42 days...

Oh... and thx for using IRC!

PS: IIRC this challenge just looks for some keywords. I did not implement or use kvirc script lexer.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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