CGX#7: Object Orientation
Hello Challengers,
In this video we discuss Object Oriented Programming a bit.
gizmore and x
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# CGX#7: Object Orientation
## What is OOP?
It focuses on manipulating objects,
which are a collection of variables, and methods.
Similiar to an array or a struct, but a struct has no methods.
OOP adds methods to them.
### Draft
- struct, class, object
- accessabilty (public, protected, private)
- member variables and methods
- static variables and methods
- Pass Parameters by value / reference
- classes (extends)
- interfaces (implements)
- traits (uses)
- autoloader (namespaces)
- Questions?
- Javascript
- Java
- no Traits
- C++
- Multi-Inheritance
- C
- structs and functions
- Ruby
- Everything is a class