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Challengeland is a site of war games to learn and improve your hacking skills created by Redexel and Germanlm93
Sites origin country Colombia
Language English
Category Tags Cracking, Crypto, Exploit, JavaScript, Programming, Realistic, Research
WarBoxes 0
Difficulty 50.00%
Enjoyment 50.00%

Comments on Challengeland

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RE: Comments on Challengeland
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As I almost solved all of them, I give my impression on the site:
There are some guessing at some points:
realistic 2: The exploit is well-known but not simulated (meaning there is only one possibility and it's in lowercase).
Javascript 6: A little bit weird: You need to apply the hint on the solution directly.
2) I think some challs have not enough hints:
Crypto 1,5,6,9. & Trivia 2,6.
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Kwetschmann_der_Weise`s Avatar

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RE: Comments on Challengeland
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Hello everybody,

Challengeland seems to be out of order. If you click on the link, it says that this domain has expired.
I don´t know if this is only temporarily, but maybe Challengeland should be excluded from the listing.

Best regards
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RE: Comments on Challengeland
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I contacted the admin of the site, setting the site to temporarily down.

No reply from the admin (actually there are two, but one has already deleted his WeChall account), setting the site status to 'dead'.
Last edited by tehron - Mar 22, 2021 - 17:09:15
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