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Beginner to intermediate puzzles intended to hone user hunting and decoding skills used in Alternate Reality Games.
Sites origin country United States
Language English
Category Tags Exploit, Crypto, Stegano, Logic
Site Admins crashdemons, andrewb
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Score 17745
Base-Score 10000
Users 20094
Challs 41
Linked users 430
Average 39.05%
Difficulty 64.28%
Enjoyment 96.43%
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Comments on ae27ff

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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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Due to popular demand I've disabled the flickering/scanline effect completely.
Too many people on lower power devices were having issues with it.
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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A small issue which made Level 15 more difficult to research appears to have been eased now, for anyone who was stuck there.

Remember to use a variety of research options if you have trouble.
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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ae27ff is now accessible again after migrating to a new host.
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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I've patched an issue with level 25 where if you were accessing the pages from the wrong domain, your session would be lost. Users are now redirected to a single domain.
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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Also, I've patched another issue that may have kept specific usernames from linking correctly on wechall. If you've experienced an issue linking to ae27ff in the past, you may want to retry now.
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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It seems that scoring is not working correctly. Despite of the fact I solved 31 challs I have points only for 23.
Last edited by kwapik - May 15, 2017 - 15:49:12
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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Seems that the site has been moved to a different domain, but the admin didn't change the links on WeChall. (Your score on the old domain is still at 23.)
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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Can I fix this by myself? Or should I just wait for fix from site owner?
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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All you can do is complain. ;) Posts here should be mailed to crashdemons, but you can also directly contact him to make sure he doesn't miss it.
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RE: Comments on ae27ff
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Thanks for your messages. I think this should be fixed now. If you were using autoupdate, you may have to manually update to fix your score, initially.
Last edited by crashdemons - May 17, 2017 - 17:23:08
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