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Comments on CodeShell

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RE: Comments on CodeShell
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As you can see here: , wooeong is #1 and stypr #2 though the wechall ranking doesn't reflect that.
The max amount of points on the website is 3050, so only wooeong should have 100% on wechall and stypr ~98.36 %

Can it be fixed or it's on their side ?

PS: I assume it's not an update issue, as I see automatic update checked.
Last edited by Hertz - Dec 23, 2015 - 17:16:13
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RE: Comments on CodeShell
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This is a known issue when the maximum number of points on a site decreases. It will be corrected when stypr does an update (or the update is forced).
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RE: Comments on CodeShell
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I - a new admin of - have (re)written the website with full English support, so please consider updating the details to reflect it! ;)
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RE: Comments on CodeShell
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There only is a setting "primary language". Not sure if that has changed or not, but you can probably change that yourself if necessary now that I added you as admin. All hail admin luke1337!

(*wonders if others will now start claiming they too are new admins*)
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RE: Comments on CodeShell
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Quote from dloser
Apr 09, 2016 - 19:56:40

There only is a setting "primary language". Not sure if that has changed or not, but you can probably change that yourself if necessary now that I added you as admin. All hail admin luke1337!

(*wonders if others will now start claiming they too are new admins*)

Only WeChall admins can change it...Sad
GeSHi`ed PHP code for SiteEdit.php
                $data['site_country'] = array(GWF_Form::SELECT, GWF_CountrySelect::single('site_country', Common::getPostString('site_country', $site->getCountryID())), $this->module->lang('th_site_country2'));
                if ($is_admin)
                        $data['site_language'] = array(GWF_Form::SELECT, GWF_LangSelect::single(0, 'site_language', $site->getLangID()), $this->module->lang('th_site_language2'));                }
                if ($is_admin)
                        $data['site_joindate'] = array(GWF_Form::STRING, $site->getVar('site_joindate'), $this->module->lang('th_site_joindate'), '', GWF_Date::LEN_SECOND);                }
                $data['site_launchdate'] = array(GWF_Form::DATE, $site->getVar('site_launchdate'), $this->module->lang('th_site_launchdate'), '', GWF_Date::LEN_DAY);
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