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Hacking-Challenges is a german challenge site.
In challenges from 8 categories, for example javascript, cryptography, stegano and webhacking, you can prove your skill. Moreover, Hacking-Challenges offers a huge number of decoders, tools, links and tutorials
and offers the possibility to submit your own challenges.
Sites origin country Germany
Language German
Category Tags JavaScript, Crypto, Logic, Stegano, Research, Programming, Exploit, Cracking
Site Admins C-tecx
Auto update yes
Has OnSiteRank yes
WarBoxes 0
Score 23434
Base-Score 10000
Users 1346
Challs 145
Linked users 261
Average 28.01%
Difficulty 41.67%
Enjoyment 90.00%
IRC Contact ircs://
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Comments on Hacking-Challenges

Global Rank: 325
Totalscore: 71959
Posts: 1
Thanks: 2
UpVotes: 2
Registered: 8y 26d

Last Seen: 30d 2h
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RE: Comments on Hacking-Challenges
Google/translate2Thank You!2Good Post!0Bad Post! link
I'm unable to link to it, I allways get this error message (tried a few times over the last days as I hoped it might be a temporary problem):

The Username/EMail combination does not seem to exist on Hacking-Challenges.

Anyone hav an idea?
Global Rank: 65
Totalscore: 232435
Posts: 15
Thanks: 23
UpVotes: 13
Registered: 16y 39d

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RE: Comments on Hacking-Challenges
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Site isn't available anymore.

Global Rank: 65
Totalscore: 232435
Posts: 15
Thanks: 23
UpVotes: 13
Registered: 16y 39d

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RE: Comments on Hacking-Challenges
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Is back again.
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