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Comments on yoire

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RE: Comments on yoire
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When I tried to update my score I got this
Quote from
Invalid username or not found. Usage example: /userscore.php?username=mandingo

is not a valid response from yoire.

Additionally, wechall reports that yoire is currently down
Last edited by elasolova - Dec 06, 2012 - 21:02:30
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ok I got it solved. It was an alias issue. Somehow my alias was reset in yoire so I had to change it again.
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RE: Comments on yoire
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The ranking seems to be quite off, many seem to have 100% score, yet the site shows that the scores are in reality much lower.
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RE: Comments on yoire
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This is probably because a lot of players had 100% when there were not as many challenges in Yoire, and have not updated their score since.
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Yeah, probably. Shouldn't there be a autoupdate when new challenges are added?
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There is a limited update when the maximum score changes. That is the WeChall points are recalculated based on the old user score and the new maximum.

However, Yoire reports a percentage as score, so the maximum score will always be 100%, making such a recalculation useless.

We do not update all user scores, because this is almost a DOS attack on the site with the current API.

One solution could be to ignore the reported score and just use the number of solved challenges as the score instead.
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Ah okay, makes sense then. Using solved challenges would work imo.
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The site doesn't work anymore. :/
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I think the site is definitely dead now.
Unfortunately I never managed to add my email address for linking it to my account. Sad
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