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You play the role of a special agent and help your boss, colleagues and friends to tackle down problems in various areas including: hacking, algorithms, reverse engineering, crypto, maths & two player games.
Sites origin country Hungary
Language English
Category Tags JavaScript, Crypto
Site Admins encse
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Comments on Gekkó

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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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I broke it when updated php on the server. Dont want to fix it. It will be revived in some form later, but I dont know when.
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Hey everyone!

I had some free time and brought gekko online again. Went through the challenges and everything seems to be up and running just as before. It's very very old here and there, but some of the challenges are still totally relevant.
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Great it's back! Smile

Minor Issue: Links Section lists Osix, but it's dead for quite a while now.
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Fixed, thanks
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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I collected a few small fixes that have been added during the years the site was down. Chapter1 and 4 has got a facelift. Chapter1 is probably too simple for you today, but I just love what chapter4 became at the end. If you liked it before, it's worth a revisit.
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Quote from encse
If you liked it before, it's worth a revisit.

Most stylish!
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Summer is hot, but the new dark theme is cool. Check it out Smile

Edit: Gekko
Last edited by gizmore - Jul 30, 2024 - 18:50:17
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