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A site based on a detective theme which uses suspect elimination, clues, and more traditional challenge categories to form a unique experience.
Revolution Elite
Sites origin country United Kingdom
Language English
Category Tags Storyline, Stegano, Logic, Crypto, Programming, Exploit
Site Admins sabretooth
Auto update yes
Has OnSiteRank yes
WarBoxes 0
Score 27840
Base-Score 10000
Users 3768
Challs 198
Linked users 457
Average 13.78%
Difficulty 75.00%
Enjoyment 83.33%
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Comments on Revolution Elite

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RE: Comments on Revolution Elite
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I can’t seem to update. It says "0 is not a valid response from revolution elite"

Quote from Oscar-Wilde

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RE: Comments on Revolution Elite
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Your username there is uppercased, try unlinking and re-linking with `Cheerfulbull`
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RE: Comments on Revolution Elite
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Thank you very much, that did the trick Smile

Quote from Oscar-Wilde

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RE: Comments on Revolution Elite
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It is with regret that I am stepping away from Revolution Elite.
The site will not be closed, but I will no longer be uploading challenges, fixing bugs etc. unless the motivation hits me in future (and lets face it, it might).

The site has been running for nearly 14 years and I'm pretty much sick of seeing it and working on it.

It's been a fun ride. Smile
Thanks to everyone.

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Looks like I returned at a bad time! And here I was thinking that you'd make it to 200 challs before calling it a day xD

Well whatever happens I think it's safe to say that we all really appreciate all the amazing work you've done and understand your decision. I had a lot of fun and it taught me a lot, and maybe we can rest a bit too after banging our heads against the walls for years because of sabre logic!

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Hi Sabretooth, thanks for those 14 years, I really had some fun there ;-)
I hope the motivation comes back!
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RE: Comments on Revolution Elite
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Quote from sabretooth
Mar 15, 2024 - 20:20:59

It is with regret that I am stepping away from Revolution Elite.

That's sad to hear, but I'm glad for you having more time for other things now.
It was fun indeed, so thanks a lot for that! Smile
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RE: Comments on Revolution Elite
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Thank you so much, sabretooth! RevEl has given me countless hours of pain/torture/fun Smile

Best of luck in life, wherever it brings you <3
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