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0% simulation & guessing. Hacking challenges only!
Wargames (from classic linux/x86 to hardened kernel exploits), Reversing, Web-Hacking (no, not only PHP/MySQL), Cryptography (more about AES & RSA than old school algorithms), and Forensics.

Welcome to the real world, come play with us and spawn some shellz!

This website is intended for people who enjoy hacking and reverse engineering, and that are eager to learn various hacking techniques.
If you prefer riddles and challs that are not security related, you probably won't like it there.

Available in french and english. Everything is translated, including the website itself, challenges, forums...

The site name refers to W3C, but here the meaning is World Wide Web Challenges, and the site doesn't define a standard Smile

Sites origin country France
Language English
Category Tags Cracking, Crypto, Programming, Realistic, Shell, Exploit
Site Admins awe
Auto update yes
Has OnSiteRank yes
WarBoxes 0
Score 24029
Base-Score 10000
Users 34535
Challs 98
Linked users 627
Average 6.99%
Difficulty 78.57%
Enjoyment 87.50%
IRC Contact ircs://
Latest 1 active Players, ordered by last update (14d)
Score history for site W3Challs
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Comments on W3Challs

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Registered: 16y 352d

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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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Awesome work Smile
Global Rank: 155
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Registered: 6y 137d

Last Seen: 28d 9h
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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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I'm also having problems with the "The Username/EMail combination does not seem to exist on W3Challs." thingy when trying to link my account. Those sweet, sweet wechall points...

Either way it looks like I'm going to be spending quite some time on the site, it looks great. Thanks for providing it! Smile
Global Rank: 200
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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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Hi chrysoberyl,

There was an error in the code on W3Challs following the new site release. It should be fixed now!
Global Rank: 155
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Last Seen: 28d 9h
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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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Hi awe,

I can confirm that it works for me now. Thanks for the fast fix!

Back to bumping my head into those tricksy challs...
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