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RE: Comments on HackBBS
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it would be great if the admin can pm me .. i forgot my mail to link that site on wechall Drool and hackbbs isnt able to show me the mail i've used to register.

Edit: Problem solved. For the people having problems cuz of the mail ... login to the forum with the same user/pass and put your mail into your profile. Then you should be able to link ya account.

Last edited by Jinx - Sep 06, 2010 - 19:34:54
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RE: Comments on HackBBS
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Had the same problem
Thanxx ;)
Quote from Jinx
Sep 04, 2010 - 18:57:05

it would be great if the admin can pm me .. i forgot my mail to link that site on wechall Drool and hackbbs isnt able to show me the mail i've used to register.

Edit: Problem solved. For the people having problems cuz of the mail ... login to the forum with the same user/pass and put your mail into your profile. Then you should be able to link ya account.

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RE: Comments on HackBBS
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I could not link WeChall to my HackBBS account Sad :
Error message: "The Username/EMail combination does not seem to exist on HackBBS.".
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RE: Comments on HackBBS
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Thank you very much for your report.
The problem has been fixed.
The reason was a change in the URL.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on HackBBS
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I cannot link my account on HackBBS to WeChall... Sad
Not only that, I cannot login to the forum - and it seems that the most recent forum account there was created around half a month ago...
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RE: Comments on HackBBS
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I've got the same pb... is it fixed for you ?
(note : my mail is set in my profile on the forum)

Any idea ?
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RE: Comments on HackBBS
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I’ve noticed this site was down for a while, but now it seems to me it’s backup. Unfortunately, I don’t know for sure as I don’t know what it’s meant to look like. I also cannot find the challenges. Could anyone please investigate?

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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