Restrict session to IP - Home of the fiendish challenges
Sites origin country Switzerland
Language English
Category Tags Shell, Programming, Logic, Crypto, Cracking
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Difficulty 65.62%
Enjoyment 72.73%

Comments on Astalavista

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Comments on Astalavista
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Astalavista recently added 14 challenges of the new category "Real Missions".

For these real missions you have to access different boxes via VPN and exploit real vulnerabilites, including:

-Previlege escalation
-Protocol reversing
-Wireless Cracking
-SQL Injection
-Reverse Engineering
-Social Engineering

Also i want to correct myself here.
In the news i wrote there are 8 boxes for shell challenges available. but most of them have only been planned.
Meanwhile there should be around 12 boxes available, awaiting your exploitation.

Finally some more real hacking challenges listed here Smile

Happy Challenging!
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RE: Comments on Astalavista
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Is this site still supported? They changed a bunch of stuff lately and the update/linkage doesn't seem to work.
I'm on a rock floating through space.
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RE: Comments on Astalavista
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The scoring scripts have been down for quite some time, but it got fixed now.

Thanks go out to Xen for reporting it to the right person, and Sykadul for fixing it promptly.

Happy Challenging!
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RE: Comments on Astalavista
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I think we should mark Astalavista as temporary down in updates. They are launching a new version for some time so untill it's fully up there is no need to have it as playable..
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I removed it from my account because it sent me a huge wrong message when I "update all sites".
I agree with criple_ripper because it seems to be down for a while.
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RE: Comments on Astalavista
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Is this site still available? Seems the domain is belonging to a security product now and no longer playable.
Or I just didn't find the correct entry...?
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RE: Comments on Astalavista
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the site doesnt have challenges anymore least i didnt find them,., but its payable service.. site should be deleted...

bye N
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RE: Comments on Astalavista
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Marked site as down; scores still count. FAQ suggest they might add "old features" in the future.
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