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MiBs Challenges is a German riddle site started in 2005 with over 150 challenges in 9 categories including math, cryptography, science and many more. Thus, we have a huge variety of different challenges which also range in the level of difficulty. Even though the site is in German we have an increasing number of challenges in English available.
MiBs Challenges
Sites origin country Germany
Language German
Category Tags Math, Logic, Science, Crypto, Stegano, Exploit, Cracking, Programming
WarBoxes 0
Difficulty 65.91%
Enjoyment 73.22%

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Oh no! They changed the name!
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Is the site down,because i can't access it?
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Yes, MiB seems down currently. Hopefully will be back online soon Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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The site is down because of an server error. We need to wait until the error is repaired. Unfortunately, we don't know how long it will last.
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They're back up after 2 months Smile
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RE: Comments on MiBs Challenges
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Does anyone have any updates regarding MiB's or can get in touch with either him or ELM ? It's been a pretty long while since the website keeps being down.
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RE: Comments on MiBs Challenges
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Hey there,

a third site rewriting is currently going on which was really necessary due to PHP and MySQL upgrades. I cannot make any promises about a new release date yet. However, since today the WeChall update script is working again even though you cannot solve any challenges ;)

Best Regards,
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Now it's dead. Domain is registered to another.
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I liked the design and the challenges there! The site has probably gone forever?
I would like to host the site again if it would be possible to get a backup. If MiB ever reads this he can contact me via mail.
Contact only via c3BhY2VAd2VjaGFsbC5uZXQ= or PM...
Windows can be secure... but only if you don't use it Happy
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