<parameters>You can poll the latest activities in a machine readable format by using this script.
There are several input parameters for this script
- datestamp [YYYYmmddhhiiss]: fetch only messages >= this datestamp.
- username [WeChall Username]: fetch only messages for one user.
- sitename [Site-name/classname]: fetch only messages for one site.
- limit [max results]: Limit the results to a value.
- masterkey [NoLimit]: Raise the max limit of output rows.
- password [No Api Override for user]: Private API password, when a single user is queried.
- no_session [Mandatory]: You have to put no_session=1 in your requests.
The output format is some sort of csv.
The column separator is :: and the row separator is \n
The char : is escaped with \: and \n is escaped with \\n.
The output columns are:
- EventDatestamp [YYYYmmddhhiiss]
- EventType [one of link, unlink, gain, lost, ban, unban, unknown]
- WeChallUsername [The Wechall username]
- Sitename [The Sitename or shortcut used on WeChall]
- OnSiteName [The nickname used on the site]
- OnSiteRank [The rank on the site after update]
- OnSiteScore [The score on the site after update]
- MaxOnSiteScore [Max score possible on the site]
- OnSitePercent [The percent solved on the site after update]
- GainOnSitePercent [The percent gained due to this update]
- Totalscore [WeChall Totalscore after update]
- GainTotalscore [WeChall Totalscore gain/loss for update]
...username=hds&sitename=Yashira&datestamp=20100403204635&limit=10Players can exclude themself from the api calls.
Also players may obfuscate their onsitename and event dates with various settings.
Please note that you will only be able to request the latest 20 activities for a single user, or 50 for all activities.
If you like to pull all or older data you will need a masterkey, given to site admins on demand.