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Comments on Defend The Web (formerly HackThis!!)

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RE: Comments on HackThis!!
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I am not able to add my account from this site to my WeChall-Account. Every time i try do add the account i get the following error-message:

Quote from Unknown
35 - error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure

Anybody got the same message before?

mfg NIta
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RE: Comments on HackThis!!
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RE: Comments on HackThis!!
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Quote from dloser
Apr 20, 2015 - 17:17:19

Thx, I haven't seen the other topic before Smile
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RE: Comments on HackThis!!
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Right, so HackThis! is now Defend the Web, and I have an amazing score of 1005.56%. ;-)

I can't update my account, though :
Database error in file core/inc/GDO/db/GDO_Database.php line 130.
Probably because they deleted all the accounts.
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RE: Comments on HackThis!!
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At least I can still login with my old account and previous progress still exist. Maybe the integration between wechall and the site is just borken?
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RE: Comments on HackThis!!
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Seems so, jusb3. Someone b0rked it.
I blame Gizmore! Drool

Quote from flabbyrabbit

All data from the old site should have been migrated across. There are bound to be some oddities arising such as character encoding and most notably the change from BBCode to Markdown. Please check your profile and forum signatures to make sure they still look as intended. Any major problems please let us know
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RE: Comments on HackThis!!
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Quote from jusb3
Nov 07, 2019 - 19:38:15

At least I can still login with my old account and previous progress still exist. Maybe the integration between wechall and the site is just borken?

You're right. I was able to reset the password of my old account. And the challenges seem to be there. Thank you !
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RE: Comments on Defend The Web (formerly HackThis!!)
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I think i fixed the update issue.

The reason was the following:

- I changed URL and Name of HT without any tests in dev. (ouch)
- Scoring changed a bit on DTW, leading to negative values which was disliked by an unsigned field in the regat table

I fixed it by issuing 2 SQL Commands and a "recalc everything"´in the admin panel.

GeSHi`ed sql code
UPDATE wc4_wc_site SET `site_avg`='0.0' WHERE  `site_id`=76;
UPDATE wc4_wc_regat SET regat_onsitescore=regat_challsolved*10 WHERE regat_sid=76;

There are currently the following Problems left:

- linking not working at the moment
- wrong onsiterank reported
- profile and irc urls not up to date.

The remaining issues should be resolved within a few days or less.

I am sorry for the inconvinience and wish you all...

Happy Challenging!

Edit: All issues should be resolved now.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Nov 08, 2019 - 22:17:02
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RE: Comments on Defend The Web (formerly HackThis!!)
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Site seems to have problems since a few days, score update script no longer works -> I set the site status to "temporarily down"
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RE: Comments on Defend The Web (formerly HackThis!!)
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Seems to be working again --> site up
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